Research of properties of silver-black fox skins and artificial fur, simulating its color for digital confection of clothes

  • M. V. Novikov

    M. V. Novikov Moscow state academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology named K.I. Skryabin. Moscow. Russia

  • K. E. Razumeev

    K. E. Razumeev.The Kosygin State University of Russia . Moscow. Russia

  • Guseva M.A.

    M. A. Guseva. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • Andreeva E.G.

    E. G. Andreeva. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia


To  optimize  the  process  of  designing  fur  clothes,  a  digitalization  of  the  confectioning process is carried out, providing the designer with the opportunity to choose fur not only in appearance to implement the created sketch, but also evaluate a wider range of prop-
erties of the material used. For designing new models of clothing, both fur-and-fur skins of different types and faux fur that imitates them can be used. The digital confectioning of  fur  clothing  made  of  natural  and  artificial  fur  is  based  on  the  analysis  of  consumer
properties of dressed fur and fur skins and imitated faux fur. A comparison of the properties of natural and imitated fur was carried out on the example of skins of a silver-black fox and an artificial knit fur simulating its color. Based on the results of the study, the ad-
vantages  and  disadvantages  of  the  materials  under  consideration  were  identified  and recommendations  for  the  design  of  clothing  made  from  natural  and  artificial  fur  with close visual characteristics were given.
Keywords: fur skins, faux fur, clothing confectioning.